
On last Sunday , we went to Taichung to join our friends graduation musical performance. It 's really happy that our class mates from jumior high can gather after do many years. Even we are not calssmates and our life are different anymore. We still have a lot of things can tal to each other. We are friends forever.

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Shin Kong Mitsukoshi departement store is going to have summer sale. It is a great time for shopping.Shopping always maw me happy!!!

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Japanese food is one of my favorite foods. Few weeks ago , my family bring me to this store.When we arrived ,there are so many people waiting outside to have dinner.This store is famous for it's fresh ingredient and low in price. We waiting for 40 minutes and finally have a seat. When ate the food I think it is worth to wait.

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Summer vacation is coming. But we should pass the exam first. This summer vacation I have a lot of plans. First , I am going to prove my English and Japanese skill and I want to learn swimming. Most important of all, I want to take a part time job.

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Recently,there is cold killer killed so many people in MRT. There are 3 people was dead and 16 people got hurt. I always take MRT and I almost met him at that time.

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Happy mother's day~Whem nother's day is comming we can see carnations around our world.On nother's day we can give our motherto thanks for trating me so kind.This kind of custom can traced back to the U.S.A.

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I have already suffered from insomnia for one week. I only slept 2 hours every night last week. I don't know why and I try so many ways like take a hot bath or drink mil before went to bed. It didn't wor anymore.Fortinately, I finally have a nice dream last night.

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I watched spider-man2 last week. There are two version of spider-man. I like this version because I like the character Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. They are couple not only in the movie but in reality.They are really cute and humorous. This time,spider man have to fight with 2 powerful enemies.It is so exciting. 

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New product has launched in Family mart.New flavor of ice cream is matcha.There are totally 3 types of flavors, milk,strawberry and matcha.I have tasted them already and my favorite is matcha.With  creamy texture and fresh smell of tea,I really love this flavor.The price of ice cream is not  expensive but tasty. you should try! 

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Recently, so many countries have a lot of dramatic events that make me feel the world is not peace anymore.I really wish that our world can have a super hero like spider man or Amrican captain to help our global. I seldom watch TVnews recently because there is so much bad atmosphere.pray for earth.

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